Sourcing Diverse Talent

Make Diversity, Equity & Inclusion a Reality

The war for talent is intensifying.

Sourcing Diverse Talent

The percent of employers who say they are unable to find the talent they need (up from 14% in 2010)


We help companies access diverse talent pools and recruit diverse talent

By educating hiring managers & talent acquisition teams on sourcing talent and mitigating bias in the hiring process.

Sourcing Diverse Talent

Drive a proactive approach to talent acquisition

Sourcing Diverse Talent

Build a reserve of high-quality talent interested in joining your organization

Recruit Diverse Talent

HireTalent, our parent company, is a NMSDC minority certified diversity organization that is leading the charge in diversity hiring & helping clients how to find diverse candidates.

HireTalent's purpose and passion is to significantly impact employees' lives and the organizations they partner with by discovering mutually beneficial opportunities, as well as promote diversity in the workplace.


Unpack Unconscious Bias in Hiring

We offer the following DEI Certification training to help organizations source and retain diverse talent

Sourcing Diverse Talent

Designed for Talent Acquisition Teams to help them find untapped talent, and identify skill sets that various diverse talent can bring to the organization.

Certified to Hire

This full-day certification workshop tailored for Talent Acquisition Teams and Hiring Managers helps them identify and mitigate biases that show up throughout every step of the recruiting process.


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